Have questions about IVF and infertility? We have answers.
Certain tests must be performed prior to initiating a cycle of IVF. Some are required by law and others by national standards of care. Other tests are important to rule out problems that could reduce your chance of conception or increase the risk to mother or baby.
Female HIV Hepatitis B antigen Hepatitis C antibody RPR Pap smear Blood group, Rh, and antibody screen |
Male HIV Hepatitis B antigen Hepatitis C antibody RPR Complex semen analysis, antisperm antibodies, and strict morphology |
Female Rubella titer Varicella titer Cystic fibrosis carrier screen * Cervical swab for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia |
Male Cystic fibrosis carrier screen * |
Female Tay Sachs Canavan’s Gaucher’s Bloom’s Niemann-Pick Fanconi’s anemia |
Male These tests are performed on the male if his partner has a positive test result. |
Female Tay Sachs (enzymatic) |
Male |
Female Hemoglobin electrophoresis |
Male |
Female Hemoglobin electrophoresis |
Male |
Female Hemoglobin electrophoresis |
Male |
Female Fragile X |
Male |
If you are an oocyte donor, several additional tests are required. These include blood testing for evidence of previous or current cytomegalovirus (CMV infection), a genetic consultation to evaluate your family medical history, and a psychological screening interview.
*Test one partner first. If he or she is positive, test the other.