Introductory letter about the CDC/SAMS

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Dear ART Program Staff,

This letter contains important information about an upcoming change in the way that ART clinic staff will access the National ART Surveillance System (NASS) to report ART data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Please share this with everyone in your program who has a NASS user account.

Starting this summer, ART clinics will begin using CDC’s Secure Access Management Services (SAMS) Partner Portal to log into NASS. The SAMS website provides centralized access to CDC computer applications including NASS. SAMS is already being used by many CDC public health partners and data providers like yourself. NASS users at your clinic will be required to establish a SAMS account in order to log into NASS.

When the time comes to establish a SAMS account, you will receive an invitation via email about completing the initial registration step (e.g., providing your name, address, phone number). At this time we ask that you add the email address to your list of safe senders so that you will not miss the invitation.

Since the ART data you report to NASS is considered sensitive, the SAMS registration process also will ask for proof of your identity. This is to confirm that you have registered with SAMS using your true identity and to protect you by preventing someone from taking actions in your name while using NASS. For this, you will receive a second email from asking you to complete identity verification.

There are two options for completing the identity verification step. The fastest and safest way is through Experian, a secure online service. The information you provide to Experian is not stored or saved by CDC, and it will not have any impact on your credit score or credit worthiness (i.e., other services provided by Experian). The other way to complete SAMS identity verification is through a secure document notarization and submission process. Instructions and details for completing identity verification will be included in the second e-mail you receive.

If you have any questions in advance of receiving an invitation and SAMS registration instructions, please contact the NASS Help Desk at 1-888-650-0822 or by email at


Dmitry Kissin, MD, MPH
ART Team Lead
Division of Reproductive Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Sarah Mardovich, MPH
NASS Coordinator
Division of Reproductive Health 
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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